trumpinator May 14, 2017Donald Trump, Terminator, Trumpbonsai bro's 2 Generate Your Own Image! Related: Donald Terminator Elsa Trump Says Stay Safe! Terminator 6 Dark Trump Donald Mary Trump DONALD PUTIN Trump Obama II Recently beaten: SPACE WARS: TRUMP ATTACKS! Trump Eats Hillary Trump and Clinton hanging out with Cyrus Recently defeated by: Navel Aviators trumps true indentity Trump is ready to fight
i like how you put the title as trumpinator but you could have done the same thing where it says terminator in the edit. still i like it so i give you a lickety like 😀 Log in to Reply
i like how you put the title as trumpinator but you could have done the same thing where it says terminator in the edit. still i like it so i give you a lickety like 😀